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在全球化的時代背景下,隨著新聞和媒介文化的生產者、內容與受眾共享某個特定民族—國家參照系的趨勢逐漸減弱,新的傳播格局或邏輯已經(jīng)顯現(xiàn)。1977年,英國媒體社會學家杰瑞米·滕斯托爾(Jeremy Tunstall)出版了一本日后被廣為引用的著作《媒體是美國的》(The Media are American)。三十年后,他開始認識到,這樣的論斷在一個美國只是其中一極的多極世界中并沒有持續(xù)的說服力。因此,他把該書新版改名為《媒介曾經(jīng)是美國的》(The Media were American)。美國在全球傳播體系中的日漸式微,為以金磚國家為代表的“世界其他地區(qū)的崛起”(the rise of the Rest)提供了契機。在“全球、全民、全媒”的新型傳播格局下,信息的流動必然以多元的民族—國家參照系之間的競爭與整合為基礎。任何單邊地強化某一特定民族—國家的利益與訴求的傳播行為,也必然受到冷遇或挑戰(zhàn)。因此,以服務國家利益和塑造國家形象為目的,依靠舉國動員來發(fā)起、依賴行政權力來推進、企圖向世界強行宣傳與推廣特定文化價值觀的國際傳播,需要向基于全球受眾信息交流的自發(fā)需要、超越一國立場并關注全球人類共同話題的全球傳播轉變。國際傳播服務于特定的民族國家,而全球傳播旨在推動整個世界的溝通與治理。簡言之,“王道”取代“霸道”、“觀念政治”超越“現(xiàn)實政治”已經(jīng)成為不可抗拒的時代潮流。隨著中國作為“新興大國”的重要性日益凸顯,如何將服務于“現(xiàn)實政治”的傳統(tǒng)外宣升級為體現(xiàn)“觀念政治”的國家戰(zhàn)略傳播,在堅持國家核心利益的前提下承擔應盡的國際責任和義務,推動全球治理,提升我國的“道義感召力”,將成為實現(xiàn)我國外宣工作理念和實踐創(chuàng)新的根本出發(fā)點和落腳點。



1 International Telecommunication Union (ITU), ICT Data and Statistics (IDS), Global Numbers of Individuals Using the Internet, Total and Per 100 Inhabitants, 2001-2011; Mobile-Cellular Telephone Subscriptions [EB/OL], http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/ict/statistics/, 2012-10-08.

2 史安斌:《全球·全民·全媒》,《國際傳播前沿研究》,北京:清華大學出版社,2012年,第21~25頁。

3 David Ronfeldt & John Arquilla, "Noopolitik: A New Paradigm for Public Diplomacy," in The Handbook for Public Diplomacy, Routledge, 2009.

4 近年來提出的類似概念還有“賽博政治”(cyberpolitik, Rothkopf 1998);“網(wǎng)絡政治”(netpolitik, Bollier 2003);“信息政治”(infopolitik, Fiske de Gouveia & Plumridge 2005)等。

5 排在首位的德國,全球民眾對其持負面看法的為15%,美國排在第八位,全球民眾對其持負面看法的為34%,報告全文見:http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/2013%20Country%20Rating%20Poll.pdf。

6 對美國持負面看法的為37%,報告全文見:http://www.pewglobal.org/2013/07/18/americas-global-image-remains-more-positive-than-chinas/。

7 U.S. Department of Defense, Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, 2011.

8 U.S. Defense Department, Strategic Communication Joint Integrating Concept, 2009.

From Realpolitik to Noopolitik

—How to Strengthen Moral Appeal in the National Strategic Communication

Shi Anbin  Wang Xi

Abstract: Establishing national strategic communication mechanism and conducting "great power publicity" is an important measure to implement Comrade Xi Jinping's principle of "improving the moral appeal". In fact, the concept of "moral appeal" is a depiction of the historical trend in which "Wangdao politics" with "permanent morality" at its core and soft power as its means gradually replaces the "Badao politics" with "vested interests" at its core and hard power as its means. It also has theoretical significance in guiding China's current "great power publicity". From the point of view of the current international public opinion environment, the traditional foreign publicity work should be upgraded to the national strategic communication, and should not serve the "realpolitik" only, but more importantly, reflect the concept of "noopolitik". Looking at the changes in China's overall national strength and the public opinion environment, the concept of "noopolitik" and the principle of "improving the moral appeal" are consistent with each other, and provide the theoretical basis and practical guidance for China to carry out the "great power publicity" project.

Keywords: the moral appeal, noopolitik, strategic communication, national image, soft power



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