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    Emerging Technologies and "Industry Supply Chain +"

   —Intelligent Supply Chain Innovation with the "Internet +"

                                Song Hua

Abstract: The "Internet +" program has been elevated to the status of national development strategy, with all walks of life now exploring on how to use the "Internet +" to promote industrial and corporate innovation, and how to understand the nature of the "Internet +", in particular, how it promotes the innovation and development of the industry supply chain. With a view to addressing these issues, this article did a theoretical exploration and found that the thing central to the "Internet +" program is promoting the change of the three major industries and achieve intelligent supply chain. Intelligent supply chain innovation can be reflected with the three key elements of the supply chain management: the formation of the six major capability systems in terms of the elements; the establishment of information management in terms of structure; and realization of intelligent decision-making, visualized operation, ecology-like organization and the integration of elements in terms of procedure.

Keywords: Internet +, Industry Supply Chain +, intelligent supply chain innovation

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