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16European Commission, "Press release: Commission Presents White Paper on the Future of the Europe", http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-17-385-_en,htm.

On the Future of European Integration

—The Current Crisis of the EU and the Major Uncertainties

Wang Mingjin

Abstract: The rapid evolution of the international political and economic situation causes the problems resulting from the EU integration over the past few decades to be exposed one after another. Under the impact of the European debt crisis, the refugee wave, the international terrorist attacks and the rise of populist forces, the EU sees internal split, the social problems begin to expose, the EU democratic deficit problem is more prominent, excessive political participation in the case of referendums often lead to extreme results, the rise of populist forces indicates the rightist and conservative tendency of the European social thoughts, which is contrary to the direction of European integration. The European Union has once been regarded as a ship without a fixed course, the current situation shows that the European integration ship is sailing in a channel with dangerous reefs and shrouded by haze.

Keywords: European Integration, EU Crisis, Refugee Problem, Brexit, Populism, European Debt Crisis

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