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33Aline Jaeckel, "Deep seabed mining and adaptive management: The procedural challenges for the International Seabed Authority", Marine Policy,, 2016, (70):pp. 205-211.

34.Jaime S. Davies, Kerry L. Howell, Heather A. Stewart, et al., "Defining biological assemblages (biotopes) of conservation interest in the submarine canyons of the South West Approaches (offshore United Kingdom) for use in marine habitat mapping", Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2014, (104):pp. 208-229.

35.F. Sánchez, A. Serrano, M. Gómez Ballesteros, "Photogrammetric quantitative study of habitat and benthic communities of deep Cantabrian Sea hard grounds", Continental Shelf Research, 2009, 29(8):pp. 1174-1188.

36.Roger Sayre, Jack Dangermond, Charlie Frye, et al., "A New Map of Global Ecological Land Units — An Ecophysiographic Stratifcation Approach", A Special Publication of the Association of American Geographers, 2017:pp.1-48.

International Research Trends of Deep-sea Development and the Insight

Liu Shuguang

Abstract: The deep-sea development is a major measure of China and some other marine powers to respond to the transformation of global strategic pattern and lead the new round of economic transformation, its worldwide progress and trend merits high attention. On the basis of summarizing previous research and international scholars' theory and empirical research, it is found that many disciplines, such as ecology and applied economics, constitute the important subject foundation of deep-sea development. Mineral resources, fishery resources, oil and gas resources and genetic resources are the main targets in the deep-sea resources development; biodiversity conservation, transport link protection, science and technology support, and environmental impact assessment become a hot issue in the establishment of the deep-sea development support system; and development through international cooperation and agreement, establishment of high seas protection area, and high-sea three-dimensional space planning and so on are the major task of various parties having an interest in the international deep-sea development. At the same time, the theoretical results in the humanities and social sciences disciplines targeting at deep-sea development are too few and shallow to sustain the creation of new subjects "deep-sea development" and "deep-sea economics", but the huge demand behind the country's deep-sea exploration and the fierce international deep-sea development competition are the important driving force for establishing a humanities and social sciences theory system for deep-sea development in China.

Keywords: Deep-sea development, disciplinary foundation, support and guarantee, participation mode

劉曙光,中國海洋大學(xué)經(jīng)濟學(xué)院副院長、教授、博導(dǎo)。研究方向為海洋區(qū)域經(jīng)濟、區(qū)域創(chuàng)新與國際經(jīng)濟合作。主要著作有《區(qū)域創(chuàng)新系統(tǒng): 理論探討與案例研究》《海洋產(chǎn)業(yè)經(jīng)濟前沿問題探索》等。

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